The Computational Metagenomics Workshop at the University of Mauritius will provide a week-long series of training seminars, practical demonstrations, hands-on tutorials and research talks on the use of software tools to analyze and interpret metagenomics data. The scope is quite broad and offers an overview of cutting-edge fundamental theory and practical applications of metagenomics.
This workshop is aimed primarily at biologists but also at computational scientists who intend to use public metagenomics data in their research or start new projects in the field of metagenomics.
Classroom applications
Participant applications
Syllabus and Tools
Day 1
Fundamentals of Biology: genes, genomes, habitats | Ouzounis
Fundamentals of Computing: data, databases, algorithms | Baichoo
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics: computation, biology, computational biology | Promponas
Practical: Introduction to Linux | Baichoo, Botha
Day 2
Principles of molecular structure, DNA/RNA/proteins, -omics | Promponas
Principles of sequence alignment: sequence comparison, database searches | Ouzounis
Principles of multiple sequence alignment: phylogenetics, phylogenomics | Promponas
Practical: Sequence comparison, tricks of the trade | Ouzounis, Promponas
Day 3
Metagenomics: genomes, pangenomes, paleogenomes | Lundin, Ouzounis
Metagenomics: New sequencing technologies, assembly, pathway inference | Lundin
Metagenomics: Genomic/Functional Encyclopedia of Bacteria & Archaea | TBA
Practical: LAST, MEGAN & Web resources for Metagenomics | Lundin, Ouzounis
Day 4
Metagenomics Platforms I: EBI's metagenomics portal, data standards | TBA
Metagenomics Platforms II: JGI's IMG/M, Microbial Earth Project (MEP) | TBA
Practical: Data analysis of 16S rRNA amplicons with QIIME, uparse & phyloseq | Botha
Practical: Environmental genomics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics | Lundin
Day 5
Thematic Areas: microbial ecology, bioprospecting, 16S rRNA, metaomics | Lundin
Thematic Areas: human microbiome, biosecurity, highlights/milestones | TBA
Thematic Areas: extreme environments, exobiology | TBA
Practical: Analysis of reduced or simulated datasets, student challenges | Ouzounis, Lundin, Promponas, Botha
Practical workshop sessions assume a basic usage of Unix/Linux command line. Familiarity with other software tools would be an advantage.
Please note due to the recent Ebola outbreak there are travel restrictions to Mauritius imposed on nationals from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Government of Mauritius.
Training materials for this course are available as a single downloadable archive here: Should you re-use any of these materials, please ensure that both the author/s of the material AND H3ABioNet are clearly credited.