Building pan-African Bioinformatics Capacity
About the node
Member Node

Node Accreditations: RNA-seq
Node Accreditations: RNA-seq

- UCT - CBIO (PI: Prof Nicola Mulder)
- AIMS (PI: Dr. Gaston Mazandu)
- AiBST (PI: Prof. Collen Masimirembwa)
- BHP (PI: Dr. Simani Gaseitsiwe )
- CPGR (PI: Dr. Judith Kumuthini)
- CU (PI: Prof. Ezekiel Adebiyi)
- IPD (PI: Dr. Cheikh Loucoubar)
- IPM (PI: Dr. Fouzia Radouani )
- IPT (PI: Dr. Alia Benkahla)
- ICIPE (PI: Dr. Dan Masiga)
- KNUST (PI: Dr. Pandam Salifu)
- MUHAS (PI: Prof. Julie Makani
- NABDA (PI: Prof. Nash Oyekanmi )
- NRC (PI: Prof. Mahmoud ElHefnawi)
- RU (PI: Prof. Ozlem Tastan Bishop)
- SANBI (PI: Dr Judit Kimuthini)
- SU (PI: Prof. Hugh Patterton)
- UVRI (PI: Dr. Jonathan Kayondo)
- MFU (PI: Dr. Hassan Ghazal)
- AEU (PI: Prof. Ahmed Moussa)
- UCT - Genetics (PI: Dr. Emile Chimusa)
- UCT - IBS (PI: Prof. Nicki Tiffin)
- UDSM (PI: Prof. Sylvester Lyantagaye)
- UL (PI: Prof. Jennifer Cornick )
- UI (PI: Dr. Angela Makolo)
- UIUC (PI: Dr. Chris Fields)
- UofK (PI: Prof. Faisal Fadlelmola)
- UKZN (PI: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira)
- UoM (PI: Dr. Shakuntala Baichoo)
- USTTB (PI: Prof. Seydou Doumbia)
- WITS (PI: Prof. Scott Hazelhurst)
- ZU_ASU (PI: Prof. Ahmed M. Alzohairy)
University of Sciences - Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
Member Node
University of Sciences - Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
Member Node
The University of Science, Technology and Techniques of Bamako is created from the previous University of Bamako. The USTTB is a public scientific, technological and cultural institution created by Ordinance No. 2011-020/PRM of 28 September 2011. It is composed of four (4) faculties and one institute: - Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FST) - Faculty of Medecine (FMOS) - Faculty of Pharmacy (FAPH) - Institute of Applied Sciences (ISA).
Prof. Seydou Doumbia - Dean of Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Cheickna Cisse - Assistant Professor
Cheickna CISSE, PhD is a young teacher-researcher of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques from the University of Science, Technology and Technology in Bamako (USTTB), Mali. Recruited in 2016, he is now an assistant professor of the University. After his bachelor's degree in Mali, he obtained a scholarship of excellence for higher studies in Biochemistry in France. Five years later, he obtained his master's degree in Biochemistry at the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble. Three years later, he obtained his PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Grenoble Alpes. He continued with one-year postdoctoral fellow at the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (ICSN)) in Paris before returning to Mali. During his PhD project, he worked on the design of peptide inhibitors from aptamers directed against the bacterial protein FUR (Ferric Uptake Regulator). Through molecular modeling, docking and high throughput virtual screening, he highlighted the key interactions that inhibit protein activity by peptide inhibitors. During his postdoc, he worked on beta-lactamase inhibitors using an automated screening system involving covalent docking and metalloproteins. Cheickna is passionate about Bioinformatics. He contributes to the promotion of Bioinformatics at the African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, Bamako (ACE-B) where he conducts research projects on the identification of malaria targets and the design of inhibitors using structural bioinformatics tools. He uses his dual skill in Biochemistry-Bioinformatics to solve major health problems in Africa.
BioinformaticsStructure AnalysisDrug DiscoveryInfectious DiseaseProteins Molecular BiologyMolecular DynamicsMolecular ModellingStructure Prediction Protein Structure Analysis
Mr Kangaye Amadou Diallo - PhD Student
My name is Kangaye Amadou Diallo, I am a PhD student in bioinformatics at the African center of excellence in bioinformatics at the University of Sciences - Techniques and Technologies of Bamako in Mali. So I work in an office surrounded by other bioinformaticians but also biologists. I have to exchange very often with these, in order to understand the experimental data that we analyze.
BioinformaticsData GovernanceComputer ScienceGenomics Structure AnalysisAgricultural ScienceBiodiversityChIP-Seq Computational BiologyData Integration and WarehousingData Quality Management Data SecurityData Submission, Annotation and CurationData Management Data Drug DiscoveryEpigeneticsEpigenomics Evolutionary Biology Exome SequencingExperimental Design and StudiesFunctional GenomicsGene and Protein Families Gene ExpressionGene StructureGenetic VariationGenotype and Phenotype Genotyping ExperimentData Integration and WarehousingHuman GeneticsImmunology Machine LearningMedical BiotechnologyMedical InformaticsMetagenomics Microarray ExperimentMicrobiologyMolecular BiologyMolecular Dynamics Molecular Interactions, Pathways and NetworksMolecular ModellingOncologyParasitology PharmacogenomicsPhenomicsPhylogenomics Phylogeny Plant BiologyPopulation GeneticsPopulation GenomicsProtein Structure Analysis ProteinsProteomicsPublic Health and EpidemiologyQuantitative Genetics Rare DiseasesRNA-SeqSequence AnalysisSequence Assembly Software EngineeringStatistics and ProbabilityStructure PredictionTranscriptomics Translational MedicineVirology 
Dr Josue Togo - Scientific
Josue TOGO, PharmD, MSc Bioinformatics. I am interested in genomics and epigenomics. Currently working as a scientist on HIV and Tuberculosis research center at the University of Sciences, Techniques and technologies of Bamako.
BioinformaticsGenomics VirologyGenomics
Prof. Mamadou Wele - Director of African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics
I hold PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Bioloy form the University of Bamako (USTTB) Mali. Currently Associate Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako. - Fulbright fellow at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA ( antimalarial drug developpment from plants) - Site investigator of H3ABionet node USTTB - Co-PI of NIH fogarty training program USTTB and Tulane University I am mentoring some Master students in different topics such as development of malaria drug target, analysis of proteins involved in bacterial resistance to antibiotics or prediction of interaction host and malaria proteins. I have a long experience in the field of malaria drug resistance and drug target development Currently I am the Director of Institute of Applied Sciences of University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako. Director of firts African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics fubnded by USTTB and NIH I have worked in NIH intra-mural projects as well as within the Malaria Genomic Epidemiology Network (MalariaGEN, Oxford University).
BioinformaticsMathematicsStructure AnalysisBiomedical ScienceSequence Analysis Computational BiologyData VisualizationDrug DiscoveryDrug MetabolismProteins Molecular BiologyMolecular Interactions, Pathways and NetworksProtein Structure Analysis